South African Home Inspection Training Academy (Pty) Ltd.

Reg. No. 2012/189989/07.

Postal Address:

Suite 258, Private Bag X1005, Claremont, 7735.

Administrative Office

80 St Michaels Rd, Claremont 7700, Cape Town

The relationship between SAHITA and HouseCheck

The HouseCheck/SAHITA group was established in South Africa in 2008 with a vision to build a Southern African home inspection business in line with best international practice.

Over the past decade HouseCheck and its affiliate, the South African Home Inspection Training Academy (SAHITA), have grown to become South Africa’s leading building inspection business – providing inspection and inspector training services in both the private and public sectors.

  •  SAHITA has joined forces with various SA government agencies and with the SA Banking Association to develop a national building inspector qualification to meet the requirements for building inspection at the municipal and national level in both the public and private sectors.
  • SAHITA has also been accredited by the Engineering Council of SA (ECSA), the South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) and the Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA) to provide 3-day continuous professional development (CPD) workshop training to members of these professional bodies.
  • The affiliation between SAHITA (a training business) and HouseCheck (a commercial inspection business) has produced important synergies for both SAHITA and HouseCheck.   HouseCheck’s practical experience at the marketplace coalface has helped ensure that SAHITA training is relevant to the needs of clients.   SAHITA, on the other hand, provides HouseCheck with a pool from which to recruit its inspectors.   However, many SAHITA graduates opt to launch their own inspection businesses – or work in other areas of the property and construction sectors.  This helps grow the building and home inspection industry in South Africa.
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