SAHITA is a Corporate member of NABISA and subscribes to the NABISA Code of Conduct.

NABISA: The National Association of Building Inspectors of South Africa is a voluntary association of South African home and building inspectors with the website NABISA is a registered non-profit established in 2016.
SAHITA recommends that its certified home inspectors should become members of NABISA – in addition to being certified by SAHITA (


Every NABISA member must commit to adhering to the NABISA Code of Conduct.
This Code of Conduct provides the core guidelines for ethical building inspection. Integrity, honesty, and objectivity are fundamental principles embodied by this Code.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, or activities, that compromise, or appear to compromise the building inspector’s independence, or objectivity;
  • Not inspect for compensation, any building or property in which the building inspector has, or expects to have, a direct or indirect financial interest;
  • Not receive financial compensation, directly or indirectly, for any repair, replacement, or upgrade of any systems or components carried out on the inspected property within one year after the inspection. Act in utmost good faith toward each client and towards all other interested parties when carrying out the work of building inspector;
  • Perform services and express opinions based on the inspector’s genuine personal conviction and only express opinions within the building inspector’s personal areas of education, training and experience;
  • Be objective in his/her reporting and not knowingly understate or overstate the significance of reported conditions;
  • Avoid any behaviour which may harm the public, or discredit NABISA, or the building inspection profession, or reduce public confidence in the profession of building inspection;
  • Ensure that advertising, marketing, and promotion of the building inspector’s services or qualifications shall not be fraudulent, false or deceptive;
  • Report without delay any suspected substantive and deliberate violations of this Code of Conduct by any member of NABISA, of which the building inspector becomes aware, to the NABISA Board of Directors.
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